Program Category
Youth Programs
We work closely with the schools and apartment communities in Westchase to provide support for students, teachers and school staff. Through our in-school and after-school programs we aim to help students thrive. And by showing up to walk the halls during testing weeks or providing needed supplies or meals for special occasions, we strive to help teachers provide a great learning environment for students.

Emerson Elementary School, Walnut Bend Elementary School, and Paul Revere Middle School
Our dream is for every student have another adult voice speaking love and encouragement into their life story! Please join our over 50 mentors to plant a seed of hope and love this Fall
Friends of Westchase is excited to have over 150 volunteers involved in our programs in 2022-2023
We are excited to be growing and bringing the community together.
Adult Programs

Community Events

Youth Programs
Our community shares a story, one that we are all in. Browse the stories below that come directly from this area of ministry to learn about what is going on in our neighborhood.
What's your role?
Partner with us to give Westchase all that it needs.