What we do
Loving & serving in Westchase together.
Friends of Westchase exists to build a flourishing Westchase neighborhood through partner collaboration in education, basic needs, spiritual growth, & community revitalization.

What we do
Discover your role in the Westchase community.
With ways to serve kids, adults, and the overall community, it's easy to find a place to get involved, or let us know your ideas!
Youth Programs

Adult Programs

Community Events

The mission
It’s important to know the mission together.
Friends of Westchase exists to work together as a community in establishing a flourishing Westchase neighborhood through:
Education empowers to reclaim purpose and gain the tools needed to break cycles that have become a roadblock for the future.
Spiritual Growth
We believe growing spiritually is an important part of all of our lives.
Basic Needs
It's essential that basic needs are provided in the journey of growth and being healthy.
As time and use take their toll on our community, revitalization plays a key part of stewarding the space we live.
The Stories of Westchase
Our community shares a story, one that we are all in. Browse the stories below to learn about what is going on in our neighborhood.
What's your role?
Partner with us to give Westchase all that it needs.